Enhance your LMS platform

with custom eLearning content

End-to-end support, from implementing and supporting learning platforms
to building the online eLearning and video content you need.

Experts in creating custom content solution

Our team of content designers can help build bespoke solutions for your organisation’s needs. Whether you’re struggling to keep up with the content demands of your business or you need branded content with the right messaging, we can tailor learning solutions to meet your unique content needs.



Course completions

Bespoke and versatile development tools

We believe that each project is unique, so we strive to make sure each one has its own distinct look and feel. Additionally, we understand the importance of providing deliverables that can be easily updated or refined. That’s why we use a range of development tools, including our proprietary Bildr tool (which is based on the Adapt framework), as well as Articulate Storyline and Articulate Rise.

Tailored eLearning solutions for all learners

SCORM compliant

All the content we create is SCORM compliant, which means it can be imported into any compatible learning management system, including Totara.

Intuitive UI Design

Easy to master, user-centric interface, that’s expertly designed to engage with your team and help them reach their goals.

Designing learning solutions

We’ll work together to understand your challenges and design solutions that will transform your learning culture.

Video and animation

We offer video and animation services including, motion graphics and the use of professional actors that is tailored to your learners’ specific needs and goals to increase engagement.

Automated assessment

As well as resource and reference content we offer self-marking quizzes, activities and tests at a variety of difficulty levels to link up with your qualification or certification process.

Repurpose and reuse

As well as ready to import content packages, we’ll also deliver the original files used in the content creation process, allowing you to edit or update your content in house.

Microlearning at your
team’s fingertips

Turn your static training into interactive learning with our unique custom content, which can be as short as 3 minutes or as long as 30 minutes. With our microlearning solutions, you can increase learner engagement and knowledge retention by creating expert-designed, video-based microlearning courses. Training when and where you need it, learn on the go or between tasks.

Contact us

Talk to a member of our team about tailored learning solutions


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